Pizza making at Dadu Garden in cooperation with IN-Q and Coldiretti

Pizza making at Dadu Garden in cooperation with IN-Q and Coldiretti

On February 23, 2023, Dadu Garden became the site of a unique cultural and educational event – an Italian Pizza-Making Workshop for children. Organized by the Italian Trade Agency in collaboration with IN-Q and Coldiretti, the workshop aimed to teach children the art of pizza-making while emphasizing the use of fresh and healthy ingredients.

The three Italian chefs led the children through the pizza-making process. They learned how to make pizza dough from scratch, selecting and preparing toppings, and baking their creations in a traditional wood-fired oven.

Throughout the workshop, the chefs shared insights into Italian culinary traditions, including the history and cultural significance of pizza. They emphasized the importance of using high-quality ingredients and simple cooking techniques to create healthy meals.

The workshop was a hands-on experience for the children, providing them with practical skills and knowledge about Italian cuisine.

In conclusion, the Italian Pizza-Making Workshop at Dadu Garden was a successful and enriching event, showcasing the art of pizza-making and promoting healthy eating habits among children and parents.

